Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Assignment 4- A Change of View
Joseph was sitting at Maria’s apartment, staring out the window. He wasn’t looking at anything in particular; he was just worried about Maria. As soon as his newest casting call ended poorly for him, he rushed to her apartment. “I just need one big break” he said to himself, lifting his arms up as if pledging to some invisible force. After letting out a large sigh, he returned to his thoughts. Maria should have been home by now. If she had been fired, she probably would have went back home. When she wasn’t there, Joseph was relieved that she was probably still at work. If she had just gotten up for work that morning, this could have all been avoided. He knew she would be devastated if she lost her job, so he’d been worried about her all day. Joseph convinced himself that was why he’d blown the casting call.
He didn’t know how to express it, not even to himself, but he was also a bit jealous. He noticed that Maria introduced him as a friend instead of his rightful role as her fiancé. Who was that guy anyway, and why did Maria offer to let him stay in her apartment unattended? Maybe her mind was just frazzled from oversleeping. She must have been worried about the possibility of getting fired. Speaking of which, she really should be back by now, even if she had to work overtime.
He looked at his watch. Where was she? Should he confront her about the whole fiancé thing or just drop it? Maybe he would if that strange guy disappeared. He knew his thoughts were crazy. He knew Maria loved him, and only him. Joseph had been Maria’s first everything: first date, first boyfriend, first love, and first woohoo. He wasn’t worried she would leave him, although she didn’t accept this marriage thing as quickly as he would have liked. They should’ve been planning their wedding, but every time he brought it up, Maria made some kind of excuse.
His mind drifted back to when they first met. Her stunning beauty caught his attention out of the corner of his eye. From the moment he laid eyes on her, Joseph knew he must have her. A day after the first glance, he was already obsessed. He asked around and found out she was in the same class year as him and her name was Maria. She was studying the social sciences, a pretty big stretch from the preforming arts. They had never had a single class together before they started dating. After that, though, he tried to finagle their schedules so they would be in a few together, even tried getting her to change her major. Once he learned more about this girl, he marched right up to her and asked her out on a date. He still couldn’t believe how many times she said “no”. She had done so politely of course, but he remained persistent. After a few weeks of asking, she finally caved in and agreed to the date.
He took her to a show, the production of the drama, “Commitment Issues” by Harvey Williams. Joseph got her front row seats and took her there early in order to explain all the technical aspects of the theatre to her. Since he knew she was a theatre novice, Joseph wanted to enlighten her. Trying to make sure he swept her off of her feet, he had also made special arrangements to take her to meet the cast backstage after the production. He remembered that night fondly. She had a smile on all night long. He often thought of that night as the first night of the rest of his life. It was at that moment he knew this would be the woman he married; he would stop at nothing to woo her.
Since that fateful evening, things had gone pretty well. She was a smart girl and left behind those dreadful friends of hers. None of them were good for her. Her time was better spent with him. He still didn’t know why she decided not to move in with him junior year, although he did successfully convince her not to study abroad that year. That would have been too strenuous on their relationship, and who knew what kind of trouble she could have gotten into over there all on her own? At least while she was here, he could keep an eye on her and make sure she was safe, since he always knew what was best for her.
He looked down at his watch once again. Now he was really starting to get upset. Where was she? He stood up and called her cell phone again and still no answer, she must have silenced it for work! He hated when he couldn’t reach her. Was it really so hard to un-silence your phone? He must have left her ten voicemails by now. Then, he heard voices in the hall, and one sounded like Maria. He heard giggling! Who was she talking to? When she didn’t come in right away, he decided to open the door. He saw that stranger’s arms around Maria and became engulfed with rage, a rage so deep it could not be contained!
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Oh my, can't wait to find out what happens next! That line about them going to a play on commitment issues is too funny! :)