
Monday, March 14, 2011

Entry One: The Real World

Sammie took in a big breath of fresh air. The bus had dropped her off at the town square. She had spent the summer abroad volunteering to help curb the human trafficking problems in Les Champs Sims. She got to spend a lot of time in the famous red light district, which was both exhilarating and terrifying at the same time. She met a lot of very interesting people, from all walks of life. She made a lot of connections and she found networking to be much simpler than she imagined it would be, most likely due to her charismatic trait. 

"Your Sim Story"- A Writing Competition

"Unlike most writing competitions, this one revolves around you and the other contestants. Literally. The main character of your entries is to be your simself. And the other characters? They would be the simselves of the other entrants. Everyone's story will be telling a different tale about each and everyone's simself as they revolve around their own"